Advertiser Benefits
As an advertiser with TableAds® you receive:
1. Exposure and
Absorption! Your ad will reach people for fifteen minutes to an hour
during one
of the most relaxed times of their day! As a result they
will see the ads and, because of the length
of the dining
experience, they will absorb / take in your message!
2. Testimonies and Personal
Referrals! TableAds® helps create the
subject matter for the mealtime conversation. Since dining out is a social
occasion, as people see your ads,
you will naturally receive every
best form of promotion: word-of-mouth
testimonials and personal referrals. |
3. Permanent Exposure!
TableAds® are contractually installed in our host
restaurants for two years, accomplishing one of the major goals of
advertising - keeping the your name out there! |
4. Repetition! TableAds® helps create "top of the mind awareness". Whenever there is a lull in the mealtime conversation people's eyes naturally go to the
ads. Throughout the dining experience they repeatedly see the
your name
and what you do! That repetition builds YOUR reputation. |
5. A
Unique Networking Opportunity! To express
our sincere appreciation and to encourage the natural networking
that takes place among the advertising businesses, we sponsor an
Installation Celebration Banquet at the host restaurant. Just one or
two clients from
the other advertising businesses typically pays for your TableAds® expense, leaving the rest of dining
America to see your ads for free! |
6. Low Cost! TableAds® can
save you up to ninety percent of
your advertising dollar. This low cost, when added to
the five
benefits listed above, insures not only "more bang for your buck"
but also more bang for only ten percent of your advertising buck. |